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Education - 3 Ways Machine Learning in EdTech is Changing the Education Industry - B-AIM PICK SELECT


Machine learning is adding value to the education sector as never before. It is a technology that is evolving by the day but has still managed to make an indelible mark in the education industry.

What Exactly is Machine Learning?

An extended application of artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML) provides systems to learn from experience without being programmed to perform a particular task.

It is a learning system that evolves over time.

As companies involved in EduTech focus on using new technologies and explore their possibilities, Machine Learning in education industry is helping companies differentiate themselves. With advancements in ML, this trend shall continue to change this industry’s face far into the future.

Applications of Machine Learning in Education Industry

1. A Step Towards Predictive Analysis

There was a time when “old school” teachers had opinions about a student’s future based on favoritism. This somewhere did led to reduced morale of young minds who then thought themselves to be a little less than others.

The predictive analysis here replaces favoritism with “proof-eccentric” data. Leveraging the art of machine learning in EdTech, the predictive analysis takes the lead by analyzing the past and the present data to make predictions about future results.

“Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of statistical techniques from data mining, predictive modeling, and machine learning, that analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown events.” ~ Wikipedia

How is this helpful? Students who are likely to drop out or score less in the future can become the primary focus of the teachers. The education industry players can realize where should the focus be so that no one feels left out or unattended.

To be precise, predictive analysis brings advantages to educational institutions by letting them combine what they already knew with new knowledge. This new discovery can then enable teachers and authorities to frame out proactive strategies for the betterment of their students.

Example: Hamilton County tracked individual student performance with predictive analysis software IBM SPSS, and managed to keep their students on the right track. The success came in the form of graduation rate is boosted up to 10%.

The data helped in:

  • Developing an effective student retention system

  • Creating 360-degree profile views of students

  • Revamping the entire enrolment management

  • Enhancing student scores and overall performance

2. Process Efficiency is not a Far-Sighted Dream

Educators need a better system that does all the job for them and lets them focus on a bigger cause, i.e., imparting their knowledge to the masses. Gone are the days when teachers had to struggle to maintain separate logs for their students.

Machines have taken over the load by systematically organizing content and by managing the daily curriculum for the teachers.


The result is quite evident: Teachers teach well and students’ results show an incredible improvement.

Another sector where machine learning in education plays an essential role is by bridging the gap between students and teachers. A student doesn’t have to run behind the teachers for appointments as the automated system will do that for them based on the student and the teacher’s routine schedules.

Example: Netex Learning is a machine learning-enabled web platform that lets tutors design curriculum for the day. The best part is that teachers already get the leverage to design the teaching plans around content that include videos, audio, personalized assignments, and even discussion portals.

The results of applying machine learning in education industry:

  • Reducing administrative burdens significantly

  • Lets students and teachers focus on what matters

  • Introduces an interactive and exciting learning methods

3. Revolutionizing Learning with Smart Tutors

The traditional lectures have always restrained the touch of practicality and real-world implications. There has always been a space for renovation and that is exactly what is introduced by machine learning technology.

“Smart tutors” is the much-needed wave that is slowly and steadily making its mark in the world of education. The lectures are being transformed into video tutorials, flashcards, smart guides, educational apps, and everyday assessment quizzes.

The one thing that stands out: Students and teachers get 24/7 accessibility to the virtual educative sources.

Another form that the smart tutor system is taking, comes in the form of virtual tutors. For your education institution, this could be the best take on being labeled as a true“EdTech” body that embraced machine learning.

Example: Virtual teachers in the form of robots are teaching the kids in Singapore. The robots are capable of reading stories, giving assistance with simple math problems, and helping introverted kids to evolve in a much better way.

Results of embedding smart tutors:

  • Staying one step ahead in your competition

  • Adding virtualization to your educational body

  • An opportunity to boost students’ performance


This is it! Machine learning in education industry still has a long way to go. All your education department needs is to understand the time’s demand, so that everyone comes forward and appreciates your efforts.

So, ditch the old learning ways and embrace #machinelearning that would work for the best.

The first step starts with looking up for machine learning equipped businesses that can help you build a workable ML model.

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