Whether it is on mobile or desktop, you should have already noticed a lot of chat-bot integration for fun on messaging applications or for customer relationship management. By 2020, most of the digital interactions will be with voice chatbots, which will be integrated with machine learning & artificial intelligence on the background to serve better output. Level 1 customer service helpdesks will mostly cease to exist.

Currently, on implementation, businesses are lagging behind in content management, search and support for internal processes and machine learning will simplify the efforts. The following areas have huge opportunity for automation:
1. Human Resources and Payroll Support
2. Information Technology Helpdesk
3. Training & Development
4. Business Reporting
Human Resources and Payroll Support
There are unlimited opportunities for automating where you can use chatbots, you can collect data on most frequently asked 100 queries by employees and integrated with chatbots, This will help both for productivity as well as employee satisfaction, As too much new employee time is wasted in engaging with HR and complaints of non-responsiveness by HR teams. Some examples are below and also you can do complete onboarding process thru chatbots.
1. HR, where can I find X form? e.g. claims, leave apps etc (Chatbot answers with a link for specific form for employee to download)
2. HR, what is the policy for X? e.g. International travel, relocation etc (Chatbot answers with a web link for policy details)
3. HR, what is the default password format for my payslip extra (Chatbot answers with the payslip password format for password)
Information Technology Support
There are many IT issues for which calling a helpdesk is irrelevant and you can use chatbots to fix issues. Do a Pareto Analysis (80:20 rule) Identify top 100 reasons for receiving calls on IT help desk and fix them using chatbots. Some examples are
1. Password Reset - The biggest problem to access various tools can be removed by integrating with Chat bots with self-help and validation.
2. IT asset - Integrate the support on chatbots to buy new assets, software installation, License management
Training & Development
The biggest challenge nowadays is real-time training support for employees to perform their duties, some examples:
1. Telecom Engineer - How to configure a specific model or Modem and chatbot will provide real-time steps, videos & configuration to do the job.
2. Call Center Employee - how to resolve a customer problem, Link to stepwise guide.
3. Manufacturing Employee - how to perform exception handling tasks
Business Reporting
The biggest advantage is you can define all type of reports in chatbots and eliminate all middle layer requirement and can be done for all functions.
The cost of implementing chatbots is already very low and with increasing competition as well as integration of machine learning and AI, the future seems to be seamless. This is definitely the biggest opportunity to continue the digital transformation of companies.