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B-AIM PICK SELECTS- The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the HR Industry

By Valerie Caswell

Automated systems allow for a more intuitive, personalized, simple HR experience for candidates and employees. The trends and applications of AI in the HR and recruiting industry are countless, meeting the needs of employees and candidates through talent sourcing, candidate evaluation, employee development, scheduling interviews and meetings, and engaging with employees writes Valerie Caswell, online marketing professional, Gumessay.

In all aspects of business, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way things are done. With innovations in machine-learning technologies continually being developed, the future of the HR industry lies in the unique combination of digital AI and human services.

Automated systems allow for a more intuitive, personalized, simple HR experience for candidates and employees. The trends and applications of AI in the HR and recruiting industry are countless, meeting the needs of employees and candidates through talent sourcing, candidate evaluation, employee development, scheduling interviews and meetings, and engaging with employees:

Candidate Screening

AI technology streamlines the process of screening potential candidates for a position by reducing the overall time to hire and enhancing the candidate experience. AI tools can gather the necessary candidate information by asking preliminary questions to assess whether a candidate is suitable for the position before a full interview with a human HR representative. AI can also respond to candidate queries, quickly fill out applications, screen applicants efficiently, and assess candidates in record time.

Before full interviews with human HR representatives, AI chatbots and virtual interfaces can perform initial screening processes with potential candidates to assess for specific qualities, skills, and credentials. This means that by the time the candidates come in for interviews, talent acquisition is that much easier, as the preliminary criteria have already been met. This saves HR representatives from spending time asking such basic questions and covering these fundamental topics, leaving them to simply deal with the more complex, personal areas of screening.

Engagement and Development

Engagement processes with candidates can be automated for a more personal experience and interaction in real-time. This can involve keeping candidates updated regarding the status of their application and maintain a relationship to reduce anxiety during the waiting period.

Of course, nurturing this relationship is vital throughout the process, including after candidates have been hired. AI tools can update records, gather new information, and perform other such tasks that involve minor interactions.

Learn More: How AI Is Improving the Employee - Manager Relationship

Employees can also utilize AI services as a resource for information, through chatbots or virtual interfaces. When employee issues are more complex and require the intervention of human HR representatives, AI can bridge this gap by knowing when to defer to humans for interpersonal support by making appointments and organizing meetings and initiating the communication process.

AI can also maintain employee engagement about internal communications, whether this is requesting meetings, updating personal information, giving leave notice, or filing a report. In essence, these communications can be automated through online portals and servers for the company to save the time and hassle of employees dealing with such essential paperwork.

Employees Training

New employees are going to need training, orientation, and support throughout their initial time with the company. They will need to adjust to their new roles, adapt to new routines, and assimilate into the culture of the company. AI interfaces can run new hires through necessary procedures, protocols, policies, and resources, as well as answer common questions and concerns – all in real-time. AI can act as a pool of company information for new employees to access at any time, no matter how small their query may be, without taking up the valuable time of senior employees to deal with small-scale issues.

Many employees may also find training more comfortable and constructive when the process is being overseen by a virtual AI mentor rather than a senior employee, as this can reduce performance anxiety and increase personal confidence in asking questions without fear of judgment or wasting time. A virtual mentor can also provide personalized assistance throughout training by having access to personnel files and company policies at all times.

New employees need to understand the norms and expectations of the company, from essential procedural responsibilities to standard interpersonal interactions. For this reason, a combination approach of AI and human HR services is highly valuable in providing this integrated orientation experience.

The benefits of AI as a machine-learning-driven initiative are endless, especially when deployed in tandem with traditional human HR interactions. Such integral services can be provided in record time, with real-time responses, consistent updates, and a streamlined HR experience.

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