Ai-BlockChain is a tamper-proof ledger system that increases contract governance, and security while reducing operational costs for companies across diverse industries.
Since the original Blockchain, that is Bitcoin, emerged, there has been a considerable focus on transactional blockchains which have been at the forefront of the mainstream understanding of the technology.
A blockchain is a secure distributed immutable database shared by all parties in a distributed network where transaction data can be recorded and easily audited. The network can validate the transaction through different mechanisms, but mainly through either a “proof-of-work” or a “proof-of-stake”.
Both AI and blockchain are in situations where they can benefit from each other, and help one another, regarding reaching their next step on the road to this fourth industrial revolution. There is already evidence of this embryonic partnership beginning to blossom with many sectors feeling their twin disruptive powers.
With both these technologies able to effect and enact upon data in different ways, their coming together makes sense, and it can take the exploitation of data to new levels. At the same time, the integration of machine learning and AI into blockchain, and vice versa, can enhance blockchain’s underlying architecture and boost AI’s potential.

More so, AI can boost blockchain efficiency far better than humans, or even standard computing can. A look at the way in which blockchains are currently run on standard computers proves this with a lot of processing power needed to perform even basic tasks - such as hashing.
Unlike human cognition, narrow A.I. is not conscious or driven by emotion. Rather, narrow A.I. operates within a pre-determined, pre-defined range, even if it appears to be much more sophisticated than that. Virtual assistants like Google's Siri and Amazon's Alexa exhibit examples of narrow A.I. While these A.I.-based systems are able to communicate with users and answer questions, these machines are nowhere close to having human-like intelligence.
The progress of AI is completely dependent on the input of data — our data. Through data, AI receives information about the world and things happening on it. Basically, data feeds AI, and through it, AI will be able to continuously improve itself.